Do you remember the day when you fell in love with that one Paju Design pot?

You had found the perfect place in the house to show it off together with your favorite plant. Right in the living room next to the window. A place where the sun comes through well and the plant still had enough room to grow. You bring the plant and pot together and place it in its new spot. A feast for the eyes, it looked so beautiful! The colors of the wooden floor were reflected in the design of the pot. It was a match made in heaven.

19 months later…

You come up with the idea to freshen up your living room with a lick of paint.

Everything was put aside, including the plant….Then came the shock.

You find a humidity spot you can’t remove on your wooden floor.

The situation above is a common problem that we often see coming back. Wood is porous, it absorbs water. Especially if it has been left on the floor for a long time

We are writing this blog article to draw your attention to this. Better to prevent than to happen.

The tips below may help:

1. Use a waterproof shell to place under your pot

Make sure that the bowl under your pot is 100% waterproof. Some bowls are made of porous clay or cement. They may look water repellent, but over time the water will also leak through them.

2. Use a plastic liner

Are you not sure that your bowl under your pot is 100% waterproof? Then use a plastic liner (or pot) between your bowl and flower pot.

3. Move your plant regularly

We recommend that you move your plants every x number of weeks. This way you can not only better check whether there is a leak, it also prevents damage from the sun. Sunlight makes your floor lighter in color. If you move your pots monthly, you prevent (reduce) these problems.

4. Consider a plant stand

It’s not a bad idea to place your plants off your floor. Today there are several options for doing this. Just think of hanging pots, raised plant pots and even special plant tables.

5. Don’t overwater your plants

Anything with the word ‘too’ in front is detrimental. Likewise: ‘giving your plants too much water’. This increases the risk of leakage. Tip: water your plants a little more often with a less amount of water.